Lap the Lough 2014

August 25, 2014

Team Forestside turned out in numbers for what was the last official event in the 2014 Season and the last appearance of the Forestside 15Fest cycling kit. Lee, Peter, David and Bobby, the stalwarts of Team...

Kirkistown Club Races 2014: Race 4

August 01, 2014

Team Forestside Youth members took part in Race 4 of the Kirkistown Club Races organised by NDCC on Wednesday. This was another fantastic event organised by North Down Cycle Club, the fourth out of five monthly events before the end of the...

The future of radio, is it you?

July 17, 2014

Do you have what it takes to become the next Pete Snodden or Mairead Campbell? Do you have the drive and ambition to break into radio presenting/DJing? If you are aged between 12 and 16 and think you have what it takes Forestside would like to...

Team Forestside Maracycle 2014.

July 16, 2014

2014 marked the thirtieth year of the Cooperation Ireland Belfast - Dublin Maracycle, an annual event over two days covering a 216 mile return trip over a rural route between the two cities.The route passes through the counties of Antrim, Down,...

Bangor Coastal Challenge 2014

June 16, 2014

The Castlereagh splinter group (Team Forestside - youth & senior sections) enjoyed a glorious days ride along the Ards peninsula on Sunday as they took on the Bangor Coastal Challenge 100k cycle ride. Peter Phillips, David Hamilton, Roy...

Team Forestside/Castlereagh Youth Team Event.

May 30, 2014

Team Forestside's alliance with Castlereagh Cycling Club continues to go from strength to strength but on Wednesday 28th May, it was the youth 'feeder team' who were in the spotlight. North Down Cycling Club host a youth team event at...

Conifer's Walk for ADNI.

May 28, 2014

The third annual Forestside dog walk, and the second in aid of Assistance Dogs NI took place on Sunday 25th May at Belvoir Forest. 


Secure Bike Park Launch.

May 20, 2014

Forestside has installed a Secure Bike Park to make shopping easier and safer for cyclists. It is situated at the Sainsbury's entrance under cover and is CCTV monitored. We have also purchased a stock of Gold Standard Kryptonite Evolution bike...

Forestside goes pink for ADNI

May 09, 2014

As Belfast goes Giro crazy, Forestside has been showing it's support by painting the now famous Moos pink; but one Moo especially stands out on the mall as there is much more effort gone into painting her. Emma Hamilton has very kindly...

Belfast Marathon

May 06, 2014

Team Forestside turned out in force to take part in the Belfast Marathon. Two relay teams and six Fun Runners took to the streets amongst a rumoured 20,000 participants to run for CLIC Sargent. Team Forestside was made up of Forestside staff,...

Castlereagh Cycling Club

April 15, 2014

Team Forestside's cycle riders teamed up with Castlereagh Cycling Club at the weekend for their third ride of the 2014 season.



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