u3a Photography Display
Belfast u3a (University of the Third Age), is a learning organisation for older people who are not in full-time employment. It enables members to engage in many social activities and to share their knowledge and skills in relation to the arts, fitness, leisure and creativity. With over 800 members and 57 interest groups, they cover a wide range of topics anc activities - including walkng, literature, music, bridge, languages, golf, photography, art, bowling and many others. The groups are run by the members for the members. They have a very interesting and fun-filled monthly meeting with a speaker, which is open to all members.
We are delighted to host a photography exhibition on the Mall from 12 photographic members of u3a. This exhibition will be shown over a 2 week period until Friday 1st April. It has proven to be greatly received from our customers.
For anyone wishing to enquire about the photography group, please contact the convenor on: a_ross10@sky.com or on 07729 499671