Santa's Arrival at Forestside
The weather stayed fine but cold this year as record numbers of people turned out to see Santa's spectacular arrival at Forestside. The Harley Davidsons were back in numbers and were ably led by Kadyn, our yougest motorbike rider at only 6 years old along with our police escort and Santa's sleigh pulled along by real reindeer and accompanied by Mrs.Claus and a host of famous characters.
Inside, on mall, Elsa and Anna from Frozen sang and chatted to their many young fans along with the hugely popular Optimus Prime and Spiderman and our fantastic magician who kept children busy while we waited for Santa to arrive.
The crowd went crazy as Santa's procession made it's way into the Centre through the Car Park and then on to the mall itself, thank you to everyone who helped to make it such an amazing evening.
Santa will be appearing on mall from time to time throughout December and Holdens Chocolatiers are holding chocolate workshops every Saturday afternoon at 1pm, 2pm and 3pm where children can come and make tree decorations decorated with chocolate.
We would like to wish all our customers a safe and Happy Christmas from the team at Forestside.