Katie’s blog.
The racing season has begun.
The first youth league race was in Donegal, hosted by Errigal CC on Sunday 1st March. It was a three and a half hour round trip where we experienced rain, hail, sun, snow and wind all in the space of a few hours. Luckily when I was racing there was no hail, just wind, wind and more wind!
Unfortunately the race didn’t go exactly to plan.
When I finally got into the position I wanted to be in, I got caught up in a crash. Thankfully, my baby (the bike) was ok but I took the fall. I hit my back and head on the tarmac which resulted in 2 days without training and dosed up on pain killers.
My mid-week training consisted of 2 sessions on my bike indoors on my rollers with my dad shouting out instructions. We did sprints mostly, which looks easy but is actually very tiring. To ignore my legs I put my music up full blast.
Last weekend my mum and I did hill repeats. She decided to pick a horrible hill for me to have fun climbing 6 times and then another 2 hills for me to get home, all into a head wind. Her mission was to climb only half way and then wait for me to go to the top and back again, but I was having none of that and made her climb to the top with me all 6 times!
Thankfully I beat her every time.
The following day my dad took me on a club run and we did interval training on the way home. All my training this week is leading up to a 10k time trial in Mayo, on Saturday 14th March, which also happens to be my dad’s birthday. What better way to spend his birthday than driving me four and a half hours to do a 20 minute race and home again?
As a time trial involves just me, my bike and the road; fingers crossed all will go to plan and there will be no accidents.