Grand Fundo raises £1400
What a huge success our Grand Fundo in conjunction with M&S event turned out to be. Sixty cyclists and thirty walkers took to the roads and forest paths to take on the thirty mile cycle route taking in Ballygowan through to Killinchy with a coffee stop at the Conservatory Cafe then back to Forestside via Comber, Lisbane & Ballydrain while the walkers completed 10k through Belvoir Forest all for Action Cancer and Marie Curie.
Once back at Forestside, cyclists and walkers were treated to refreshments while our fantastic M&S staff manned a home made cakes sale in aid of Action Cancer.
There was plenty of fun to be had on mall with an indoor cycle challenge, ice creams and our Young Songwriters to provide the entertainment.
Congratulations to every one who took part, gave of their time and energy or made a donation. Without you, this great event couldn't have been such a success.
£500 for Marie Curie, £500 for Action Cancer and £400 from the M&S cake sale. Well done!