The Design Vision of Darren Morgan.
'To design is to imagine beyond what is already available, to create something unique that has a purpose or solves a problem'. The ethos behind the innovative and bespoke designs of Darren Morgan.
Darren is no stranger to us in Forestside. He was the vision behind the creation of our stunning aquarium on mall which has now become famous in it's own right. Customers young and old continue to be enthralled and mesmerised by the 'oasis of calm amid the sea of commerce' to quote the man himself.
Darren has won many prestigious awards for his exclusive kitchen designs and is currently a finalist in the SBID International Design Awards for the second year running and has just been shortlisted for next year. He is also a major contributor to international design magazines, websites and design forums having had his work published in several continents. He is currently Regional Director of The Society of British Interior Design.
Designer Kitchen's role in the Forestside Aquarium project was to unite the artistic ideology of metal, cabinetry and aquatic design and was a collaboration with Ballinliss Forge Works who crafted and forged the metalwork for the aquarium; and Exotic Aquatics who supplied the fish.
The Forestside Aquarium has become a focal point on mall and restores tranquility amidst the hustle and bustle of mall activity. It has become a positive asset to the centre and remains a highlight of many customer visits to the mall.