Action Cancer The Big Bus Visit 12th April 2017
Forestside is pleased to announce its new partnership with Action Cancer. Action Cancer is Northern Ireland’s leading local charity. Their mission is to save lives and support local people through cancer awareness, prevention, detection and support. They provide the following services: Digital Breast Screening Support & Therapeutic Services M.O.T. Health Checks Health Promotion Programmes
The Difference They Make
Every year Action Cancer helps to save and support 50,000 people across Northern Ireland through the delivery of their services.
Here are some figures to give you a snap shot of the difference they are making:
• In the 2015/2016 year Action Cancer screened 10,787 women for breast cancer
• For every 1,000 breast screenings, 6 women have their cancer detected when it may have gone unnoticed
• The Big Bus travels to over 235 locations across Northern Ireland every year
• 500,000 children have taken part in our Health Action schools’ programme
• 2,440 people are supported every year through our support and therapeutic services
We are delighted to tell you that Action Cancers Big Bus will be here at Forestside on the following dates 12th April and 21st June 2017. Appointments for Breast Screening will run from 9:30am-3.20pm, anyone wishing to book an appointment can do so by either using the online booking service at www.actioncancer.org or calling Action Cancer on 02890803344. Appointment lines will be open from today.
Any women aged 40-49 or over 70 can make an appointment for breast screening on the BIG BUS. This charity is the only one in Northern Ireland for women outside of NHS age range to avail of a breast screening for free so this is a great opportunity. The screening only takes a few minutes & for the majority of women provides peace of mind.
MOT health Checks are also available to all regardless of age or gender and they are a great way to get a current picture of your health. The check takes about 20 minutes and you will receive a variety of tests, such as blood pressure, glucose & cholesterol, lung function and body composition analysis. No appointment needed, just call on the day!